martes, 11 de junio de 2024

Medical device trials still don’t enroll enough women, study finds Lizzy Lawrence By Lizzy Lawrence June 10, 2024 Medical device trials still don’t enroll enough women Women have always been underrepresented in all types of medical studies. Some recent progress: Researchers recently analyzed more than 700 scientific journal articles from nine fields and found that in 2019, the number of studies that included women at all increased from 28% to 49%. But there’s still plenty of room for improvement — a study published yesterday in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals that the percentage of women represented in high-risk medical device trials did not increase from 2010 to 2020. Women generally made up just 33% of participants when the study authors reviewed almost 200 trials from 2016 to 2022. But the percentages varied between devices: Women made up 46% of participants in orthopedic trials, but only 29% in cardiovascular studies. Read more in STAT+ from my colleague Lizzy Lawrence on the disparity in inclusion and why researchers think it has persisted.

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