CDC Viral Hepatitis Updates – July 28th is World Hepatitis Day
Think NoHep this World Hepatitis Day - Blog by Dr. John Ward
CDC’s vision is to eliminate viral hepatitis in the United States
and worldwide. World Hepatitis Day - July 28th - is an opportunity
to highlight the global burden of disease and CDC’s efforts to
combat viral hepatitis around the world.
World Hepatitis Day: Learn the ABCDEs of Viral Hepatitis
The five hepatitis viruses - A, B, C, D and E - are distinct; they can
have different modes of transmission, affect different populations,
and result in different health outcomes. While hepatitis B and
hepatitis C cause the greatest global burden of disease, hepatitis A,
hepatitis D, and hepatitis E are also global health concerns.
MMWR – Increased hepatitis C virus detection in women of
childbearing age and risk of vertical transmission, 2011 to 2014 Recent increases in hepatitis C virus (HCV) detection in women of
childbearing age reinforce the need for women at risk to get tested
and for those infected to get treated before pregnancy to eliminate
the risk of passing on the virus to their children. About 6% of infants
born to women living with hepatitis C are infected with the virus
during pregnancy or childbirth, though the likelihood increases if
a woman has a high viral load or is co-infected with HIV.
New Global Hepatitis, Outbreak, and Surveillance Technology
(GHOST) Analytics Platform CDC recently deployed the Global Hepatitis, Outbreak and Surveillance
Technology (GHOST) analytics platform into the cloud-based web service.
GHOST technology combines laboratory and analytical techniques to
automate comparisons of hepatitis C virus strains isolated from patients
to speed detection of sources of outbreaks. The cloud-based high
performance computing platform enables state and local health
departments to submit genetic information for the rapid identification
of cases caused by similar viral strains, which may indicate a common
source of infection. Viral Hepatitis Updates – July 28th is World Hepatitis Day |
Aporte a la rutina de la trinchera asistencial donde los conocimientos se funden con las demandas de los pacientes, sus necesidades y las esperanzas de permanecer en la gracia de la SALUD.
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