Memory: MedlinePlus
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National Institutes of Health
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Your mind works a lot like a computer. Your brain puts information it judges to be important into "files." When you remember something, you pull up a file. Memory doesn't always work perfectly. As people grow older, it may take longer to retrieve those files. Some adults joke about having a "senior moment."
It's normal to forget things once in awhile. We've all forgotten a name, where we put our keys, or if we locked the front door. Seniors who forget things more often than others their age may have mild cognitive impairment. Forgetting how to use the telephone or find your way home may be signs of a more serious problem. These include Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia, stroke, depression, head injuries, thyroid problems, or reactions to certain medicines. If you're worried about your forgetfulness, see your doctor.
It's normal to forget things once in awhile. We've all forgotten a name, where we put our keys, or if we locked the front door. Seniors who forget things more often than others their age may have mild cognitive impairment. Forgetting how to use the telephone or find your way home may be signs of a more serious problem. These include Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia, stroke, depression, head injuries, thyroid problems, or reactions to certain medicines. If you're worried about your forgetfulness, see your doctor.
NIH: National Institute on Aging
National Institutes of Health
- The primary NIH organization for research on Memory is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
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Start Here
- Forgetfulness: Knowing When to Ask for Help(National Institute on Aging)
- Also available in Spanish
- Understanding Memory Loss(National Institute on Aging)
- Coping with Memory Loss(Food and Drug Administration)
- Things Forgotten: Simple Lapse or Serious Problem?(National Institutes of Health)
- Types of Memory(InteliHealth, Harvard Medical School)
Latest News
- Memory Testing Can Age Older Adults in Minutes(10/25/2013, Reuters Health)
- Health Tip: If You're Feeling Forgetful(10/24/2013, HealthDay)
- Lower Blood Sugar Levels May Aid Memory, Study Suggests(10/23/2013, HealthDay)
- Food for Thought?(09/26/2013, HealthDay)
- Chocolate Fix?(08/08/2013, HealthDay)
- More News on Memory
- Memory Loss: When to Seek Help(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
- Medications for Memory Loss(Alzheimer's Association)
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- Memory Loss: 7 Tips to Improve Your Memory(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
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Alternative Therapy
- Gingko(National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
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- Heart-Healthy Diet Is Good for the Brain and Memory(American Heart Association)
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Specific Conditions
- Agnosia(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
- Amnesia(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
- Brain Fog(Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation) - PDF
- Dissociative Disorders(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
- Forget What You Heard about Amnesia(InteliHealth)
- Prosopagnosia(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) - Short Summary
- Reversible Causes of Memory Change(InteliHealth, Harvard Medical School)
- Right Hemisphere Brain Damage(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association)
- Transient Global Amnesia(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
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Related Issues
- Chemo Brain(Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
- Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse(American Psychological Association)
- Sleep On It: How Snoozing Strengthens Memories(National Institutes of Health)
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- If I Had - A Memory Problem(Insidermedicine)
- Making a Memory Book(National Institute on Aging)
- Sleep, Learning, and Memory(Harvard Medical School)
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- How Memory Works(InteliHealth, Harvard Medical School)
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Clinical Trials
- Amnesia(National Institutes of Health)
- Memory(National Institutes of Health)
- Memory Disorders(National Institutes of Health)
- Memory(National Institutes of Health)
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Journal Articles
References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National Library of Medicine)
- Article: Gateway to brain's memory system. Stimulating the entorhinal cortex may...
- Article: Group reminiscence therapy for adults with dementia: a review.
- Article: Memory reorganization following anterior temporal lobe resection: a longitudinal functional...
- Article: Hippocampal interictal epileptiform activity disrupts cognition in humans.
- Memory -- see more articles
- Memory disorders -- see more articles
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- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Also available in Spanish
- National Institute on Aging
- Also available in Spanish
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MedlinePlus Magazine
- Memory Matters(Nemours Foundation)
- Also available in Spanish
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- Eldercare at Home: Memory Problems(AGS Foundation for Health in Aging)
- Memory and Aging(American Psychological Association) - PDF
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Patient Handouts
- Memory loss
- Also available in Spanish
- Mental status testing
- Also available in Spanish
- Remembering tips
- Also available in Spanish
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