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Kenya Medical Research Institute, Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide, despite the availability of effective pneumococcal vaccines. Understanding the molecular interactions between the bacterium and the host will contribute to the control and prevention of pneumococcal disease.
We used a combination of adherence assays, mutagenesis and functional genomics to identify novel factors involved in adherence. By contrasting these processes in two pneumococcal strains, TIGR4 and G54, we showed that adherence and invasion capacities vary markedly by strain. Electron microscopy showed more adherent bacteria in association with membranous pseudopodia in the TIGR4 strain. Operons for cell wall phosphorylcholine incorporation (lic), manganese transport (psa) and phosphate utilization (phn) were up-regulated in both strains on exposure to epithelial cells. Pneumolysin, pili, stress protection genes (adhC-czcD) and genes of the type II fatty acid synthesis pathway were highly expressed in the naturally more invasive strain, TIGR4. Deletion mutagenesis of five gene regions identified as regulated in this study revealed attenuation in adherence. Most strikingly, ∆SP_1922 which was predicted to contain a B-cell epitope and revealed significant attenuation in adherence, appeared to be expressed as a part of an operon that includes the gene encoding the cytoplasmic pore-forming toxin and vaccine candidate, pneumolysin.
This work identifies a list of novel potential pneumococcal adherence determinants.
Electron micrographs of D562 epithelial cells incubated with TIGR4 and G54 strains for 2 hours. Pneumococci attach to the host cells either as micro-colonies (A - TIGR4) or single colonies (B, D - TIGR4, C (including inset) - G54) and are surrounded by host pseudopodia. Bacteria invade host cells and are internalized into cytoplasmic vacuoles (E - TIGR4 and F - G54). Original magnifications A, 4400X; B, 4400X; C, 4400X (inset, 15000X); D, 26000X; E, 3200X; F, 1650X (inset, 6500X).
Circular representation of the S. pneumoniae TIGR4 (A) and G54 (B) genomes and transcriptomes. The two outermost circles show the predicted coding regions on the plus (outermost) and minus (2nd circle) strands color-coded by functional categories as in Tettelin et al.[60]. The third circle (light grey) shows genes that are shared by both TIGR4 and G54 genomes and the fourth circle (gold) shows strain-specific genes. Colored boxes depict genes in regions of diversity [61] as well as other strain-specific clusters (listed in Additional file 6). The red and green circles correspond to transcriptome results; fifth – genes up-regulated in adherent bacteria; sixth – genes down-regulated in adherent bacteria; seventh – genes up-regulated in non-adherent bacteria; eighth – genes down-regulated in non-adherent bacteria. The two innermost circles correspond to the genes selected for mutagenesis (asterisked loci in Table 1); blue – successfully knocked out (SP_0462-SP_0468, SP_0737, SP_1294-SP_1295, SP_1758, SP_1855 and SP_1922) and black – unsuccessful/not viable (SP_0423-SP_0427, SP_0783 and SP_1270).
Functional categories of differentially expressed genes in the adherent fraction of TIGR4 and G54. A. Percentage distribution of the up-regulated genes, B. Percentage distribution of the down-regulated genes. TIGR4 genes are depicted as black bars and G54 genes as grey bars. The percentage of genes up- or down-regulated is based on the total number of genes in the genome assigned to a particular category. The numbers on the right show the fractions from where these percentages were derived.
Validation of microarray data by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels of 21 genes obtained by microarray (y-axis) and qRT-PCR (x-axis) are plotted. A, TIGR4 adherent bacteria; B, TIGR4 non-adherent bacteria; C, G54 adherent bacteria; D, G54 non-adherent bacteria. Graphs show a positive correlation between microarray log2 ratios and qRT-PCR ΔCt.
Adherence of knockout mutants compared to the wild type strain. The wild type and mutant strains were incubated for 2 hours with D562 cells and the number of adherent bacteria was determined. The adherence of mutants is given as mean adherence counts from 12 replicate wells (x-axis). Error bars are 95% confidence intervals observed among the replicates. All means differ significantly from the wild type at p < 0.001.
Characterization of SP_1922. RNA-Seq expression coverage of SP_1922 and neighboring regions drawn using Artemis [62]. RNA-Seq reads from TIGR4 adherent samples were mapped onto the TIGR4 genome. Predicted genes are shown in cyan on the bottom panel that displays the six frames of translation. Grey bars on the top panel represent RNA-Seq reads and the black plot below them represents the amount of read coverage, which is proportional to expression levels. The coverage plot across genes SP_1922 - SP_1926 is uninterrupted, indicating that these genes are likely to be expressed as an operon.
DNA fragments derived from various amplicons of the region spanning SP_1922 – SP_1926. RT-PCR on S. pneumoniae strain TIGR4 grown in rich medium (THYE) showed amplification products of the expected sizes. Lane 1 = Hyperladder I (Bioline). The remaining lanes represent pairs of primers tested on (i) unprocessed RNA (negative control, confirms absence of contaminating gDNA), cDNA (query), and gDNA (positive control), all from strain TIGR4. Primer pairs spanned: SP_1922 and SP_1923 (ply) (lanes 2–4 & 5–7), SP_1923 and SP_1924 (lanes 8–10), SP_1924 and SP_1926 (lanes 11–13), SP_1922 intragenic region (lanes 14–16), SP_1923 intragenic region (lanes 17–19), and SP_1926 and SP_1927 (negative control, lanes 20–22). It should be noted that the band of the highest molecular weight in the cDNA lane of the negative control (lane 21) is smaller than the band in the gDNA lane (22) and is part of a non-specific smear of amplification.
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