National Guideline Clearinghouse | ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic chest pain — low to intermediate probability of coronary artery disease.
Guideline Title
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic chest pain — low to intermediate probability of coronary artery disease.
Bibliographic Source(s)
Woodard PK, White RD, Abbara S, Araoz PA, Cury RC, Dorbala S, Earls JP, Hoffmann U, Hsu JY, Jacobs JE, Javidan-Nejad C, Krishnamurthy R, Mammen L, Martin ET, Ryan T, Shah AB, Steiner RM, Vogel-Claussen J, White CS, Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic chest pain - low to intermediate probability of coronary artery disease. [online publication]. Reston (VA): American College of Radiology (ACR); 2012. 6 p. [37 references] |
Guideline Status
This is the current release of the guideline.
This guideline updates a previous version: Woodard PK, Yucel EK, Khan A, Atalay MK, Haramati LB, Ho VB, Mammen L, Rozenshtein A, Rybicki FJ, Schoepf UJ, Stanford W, Stein B, Jaff M, Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® chronic chest pain--low to intermediate probability of coronary artery disease. [online publication]. Reston (VA): American College of Radiology (ACR); 2008. 5 p. [24 references]
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