CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS©: Directorio de Documentos editados en DICIEMBRE 2009
un blog del conjunto salud equitativa® SALUD EQUITATIVA
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CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS©: Directorio de documentos editados en diciembre de 2009
Desde su creación el 10 de enero de 2009, el blog ha recibido aproximadamente 118.000 consultas (31/12/2009 a las 14.00 horas de Argentina). Una vez más, cabe agradecer a todos los anónimos que buscan en estas páginas contenidos científicos fehacientes, lo cual se transfiere a la calidad de las fuentes que los proveen.
Este blog es usualmente consultado desde todo el mundo (quién lo hubiera dicho). Acceden a él, instituciones académicas, centros de investigación, instituciones de salud tanto públicas como privadas, entes oficiales de distintos gobiernos, así como también profesionales médicos, bioquímicos, farmacéuticos, enfermeros, psicólogos y muchos otros de aquellos que integran el “equipo de salud”.
Si bien la intención original era publicar todo en idioma español únicamente, las circunstancias me fueron impulsando a incluir documentos en idioma inglés, los que hoy ocupan mayoritariamente las ediciones diarias. Pedimos disculpas por ello, pero bajo la evidencia del interés que los mismos documentos en idioma inglés despiertan, sustentamos la conducta prometiendo acrecentar las ediciones en español para aquellos que no son bilingües o no se sienten cómodos leyendo en inglés.
Agradezco profundamente a todas y cada una de las fuentes: Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, Food and Drug Administration-USA, National Institute of Health-USA; CDC-USA; AHRQ-USA; NGC-USA; NQMC-USA; Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas [ISID], IntraMed, El Hospital (usa), El Médico Interactivo (España), Jano.es/Elsevier (España), Diario Médico (España), y a todas las demás instituciones del gobierno de los estados unidos de norteamérica y Europa, que nos aportan diariamente con información altamente calificada.
Este blog se nutre de información en red que se distribuye gratuitamente y no monetiza los contenidos por respeto a las necesidades de los profesionales del equipo de la salud. Por dicho motivo, tenemos la libertad de administrar la información que recibimos sin emitir opinión (salvo excepciones de ética y/o bioética explícitas) y sin calificar como así tampoco descalificar a las fuentes. En lo personal entiendo que la información científico-médica debe ser de acceso universal ya que ello habilita a la discusión y al crecimiento del conocimiento. Cerasale©. Diciembre 31, 2009.-
ranking de consultas hasta el 30 de Noviembre de 2009:
1. Argentina: 22.132 - 18,7 %
2. España: 18.797 - 15,9%
3. México: 17.219 – 14,6 %
4. Estados Unidos: 9.784 - 8,3 %
5. Perú: 7.640 - 6,5 %
6. Venezuela: 7.344 - 6,2 %
7. Colombia: 6.944 - 5,9 %
8. Chile: 4.634 - 3,9 %
9. Ecuador: 2.875 - 2,4 %
10. Bolivia: 2.301 - 1,9%
el resto: 18.571 - 15,7 %
total: 118.241 - 100,0 %
Archivo del blog
• ▼ 2009 (4500)
o ▼ diciembre (574)
4487. HER2-like And Basal-Like Genotype Breast Cancer Ar...
4486. Columbia scientists discover 2 genes that drive ag...
4485. Understanding the Genetics of Colon Cancer
4484. Enfermos graves por gripe A (H1N1) en México / Int...
4483.Ensayo de Selección Espermática
4482. ▲ Pain, Chronic; Assessment and Management of (Guide...
4481. ▲ Pain, Acute, Assessment and Management of (Guideli...
4480. ▲ Low Back Pain, Adult (Guideline) [ICSI-NQMC-AHRQ]...
4479. RARE DISEASES: 5th European Conference on Rare Dis...
FELIZ AÑO 2010 a todos los lectores
4477. ► Cardiovascular Guidelines: 10 clinical guidelines ...
4476. ▲ Displacement of Dengue Virus Type 1 by Type 4 | CD...
4475. Human Herpesvirus 8 in Healthy Blood Donors, Argen...
4474. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season
4473. Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines Compos...
4472. Necesitamos una medicina mínimamente agresiva - In...
4471. El uso de la telemedicina en UCI no mejora la supe...
4470. La FDA aprueba dispositivos cardiovasculares sin l...
4469. Otomastoiditis caused by Mycobacterium abscessus, ...
4468. Increase in Serotype 6C Pneumococcal Carriage, Uni...
4467. Real-Time PCR for Diagnosis of Oculoglandular Tula...
4466. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in Guatemala and ...
4465. A Guide for Clinical Supervision
4464. Guidelines for Responding to Mental Health Crisis ...
4463. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Tre...
4462. Vaccines: CoCASA/Installation
4461. White-nose syndrome fungus (Geomyces destructans) ...
4460. Employment and compliance with pandemic influenza ...
4459. Household responses to pandemic (H1N1) 2009–relate...
4457. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: elevada l...
4455. CHAGAS: Nacen unos 4000 chicos con el parásito del...
4454. Los casos de muerte súbita podrían evitarse mucho ...
4453. NOT-HS-10-010: Clarification and Update Notice for...
4451. La epidemiología impulsa el avance científico - Di...
4450. Hacen falta evidencias sobre la mejoría de los ant...
4449. Tylenol Arthritis Pain Caplet 100 count: MedWatch
4448. CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Weekly Report: In...
4447. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 80
4446. Thermoflect Blankets and product line - Recall
4445. Vertebral fracture assessment: the 2007 ISCD offic...
4444. Quantitative ultrasound in the management of osteo...
4443. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography in chi...
4442. Peripheral dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry in the...
4441. Fracture prediction and the definition of osteopor...
4440. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry technical issues:...
4439. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry interpretation an...
4438. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry assessment in chi...
4437. Clinical use of quantitative computed tomography a...
4436. Human GAS Virulence Genes in Bovine GCS | CDC EID
4435. Serogroup W135 Meningococci, Southeastern Florida ...
4433. Syphilis in Martinique | CDC EID
4432. Actinobaculum schaalii, a Common Uropathogen | CDC...
4431. Meningitis Caused by Echovirus Type 4 | CDC EID
4430. Leptospirosis - ISID / Argentina
4426. ICSI - Depression, Major, in Adults in Primary Car...
4425. ICSI - ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disor...
4424. * IntraMed - Artículos - Profilaxis de las adherenci...
4423. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / USA: severidad en pa...
4422. Primer volumen de la enciclopedia microbiana - Dia...
4421. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus in Pigs | CDC EID
4420. Hospitalizations for Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 | CDC EI...
4419. Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza, Singapore | CDC E...
4418. Encephalopathy and Influenza A Infection in Adults...
4417. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Reinfection, Chile | CDC EID
4416. Age-based Human Influenza A Virus (H5N1) Infection...
4415. Ceftiofur Resistance in Salmonella Heidelberg | CD...
4414. STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS / ISID - transmisión de huma...
4412. NEUMONÍA - ISID/ contaminación del aire
4411. PAROTIDITIS - ISID / USA: brote en inmunizados
4410. Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Escherichia coli | CDC E...
4409. Oseltamivir- and Amantadine-Resistant Influenza Vi...
4408. Induction of labour.
4407. Antenatal care. Routine care for the healthy pregn...
4406. Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalenc...
4405. Individual Product Bioequivalence Recommendations
4404. Drugs to be Discontinued by FDA
4403. Adverse Event Reporting for Emergency Use of Peram...
4402. Case Studies in Infectious Disease | CDC EID
4401. Imported Chikungunya Virus Infection | CDC EID
4400. Carbapenemase Gene of A. baumannii | CDC EID
4399. S. aureus Infections in Dogs | CDC EID
4398. Skin Lesion Caused by ST398 and ST1 MRSA, Spain | ...
4397. CA-MRSA in Outpatients, United States, 1999–2006, ...
4396. Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), Plasma/Albumi...
4395. Recall: T.R.U.E. Test Box Lot 94009
4394. FDA Approves A High Dose Seasonal Influenza Vaccin...
4393. CDC H1N1 Flu | In The News - 2009 H1N1 Hospitaliza...
4392. CDC H1N1 Flu | Non-Safety-Related Voluntary Recall...
4391. Influenza virus vaccine: Approval History, Letter...
4390. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 80
4389. La gripe A, más virulenta en los chicos
4388. Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis-Related Years of Pote...
4387. DENGUE: CDC - Clinical and Laboratory Guidance - D...
4386. Prevención de la exposición ocupacional a los anti...
4385. Laboratory Surge Response to Pandemic (H1N1) Outbr...
4384. Norovirus Gastroenteritis Outbreak | CDC EID
4383. Seagulls as Reservoirs for E. coli | CDC EID
4382. Novel Human Parechovirus, Sri Lanka | CDC EID
4381. Detection of Newly Described Astrovirus MLB1 in St...
4380. Fatal Case of Pneumonia Associated with Pandemic (...
4379. → Pandemic influenza vaccine (H1N1) (split virion, i...
4378. → Pegfilgrastim - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
4377. → rosiglitazone - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
4376. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
4375. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / INMUNIZACIÓN: riesgo...
4374. Influenza Virus Vaccine: Fluzone High-Dose
4373. FDA-Issued rRT-PCR Swine Flu Panel
4372. CDC H1N1 Flu | Vaccine Info for Healthcare Profess...
4371. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / U.S.A.: infección ca...
4370. SARM - CEPA USA600 - ISID / U.S.A.
4368. Global Occurrence of C. gattii | CDC EID
4367. Intent to Receive Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovale...
4366. Impact of Seasonal Influenza-Related School Closur...
4365. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in Five Pediatric Pa...
4364. Otomastoiditis caused by Mycobacterium abscessus, ...
4363. Use of Human Blood and Blood Components
4362. Vaccines: VPD-VAC/HPV/Vaccine FAQ
4361. Distinct Molecular Signature of Bovine Spongiform ...
4360. Clinical practice guidelines for quality palliativ...
4359. Increase in Serotype 6C Pneumococcal Carriage, Uni...
4358. Perceptions and Reactions, Pneumonic Plague | CDC ...
4357. Severe Pneumonia and Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Mexico ...
4356. RFA-HS-10-001: Recovery Act 2009 Limited Competiti...
4355. CDC H1N1 Flu | What You Should Know and Do this Fl...
4354. WHO | Comparing deaths from pandemic and seasonal ...
4353. leishmaniasis canina: alerta por una nueva enferme...
4352. ESHG Conference 2010 - June 12 - 15 - Gothenburg, ...
4351. Follow-Up to the August 2008 Early Communication A...
4350. Food Reservoir for Escherichia coli Causing Urinar...
4349. ▲ Specific management of IgA nephropathy: role of st...
4348. ▲ Specific management of IgA nephropathy: role of fi...
4347. ▲ Renal artery stenosis.
4346. ▲ DYALISIS 3: Other criteria for starting dialysis.
4345. ▲ DIALYSIS 2: Mode of dialysis at initiation.
4344. ▲ DIALYSIS 1: Level of renal function at which to in...
4343. Global Occurrence of C. gattii | CDC EID
4342. Laboratory Surge Response to Pandemic (H1N1) Outbr...
4341. ► CA-MRSA in Outpatients, United States, 1999–2006, ...
4340. → vitespen - European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals...
4339. → Prepandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1) - EPARs for a...
4338. → orlistat - EPARs for authorised medicinal products...
4337. → paliperidone - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
4336. → varenicline tartrate - EPARs for authorised medici...
4335. → sorafenib - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
4334. → Rotigotine - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
4333. → Drotrecogin alfa (activated) - EPARs for authorise...
4332. → Rasagiline (as mesilate) - EPARs for authorised me...
4331. → Aripiprazole - EPARs for authorised medicinal prod...
4329. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Call...
4328. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
4327. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Publ...
4326. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
4325. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
4324. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
4323. CDC H1N1 Flu | Updated Interim Recommendations: Sp...
4322. Soy Infant Formula Information
4321. Comparative Effectiveness of Hematopoietic Stem-Ce...
4320. Comparative Effectiveness of Typical and Atypical ...
4319. Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia-related psychoses - C...
4318. Síndrome del túnel carpiano [El Hospital]
4317. Trompa de Falopio humana: una nueva fuente de célu...
4316. Narrowing the Boundaries of the Genetic Architectu...
4315. Your Own Personal Genome | Cover Story | Chemical ...
4314. PHG Foundation | Rare copy number variant causes c...
4313. Amount Of Gene Surplus Determines Severity Of Ment...
4312. Gene Identified As Cause Of Some Forms Of Intellec...
4311. Leprosy susceptibility genes identified; largest g...
4310. Crean una molécula efectiva contra una enfermedad ...
4309. Investigadores argentinos demuestran un gran avanc...
4308. ISID: vacuna H1N1
4307. DIARREAS - ISID / GLOBAL: mortalidad creciente
4306. DENGUE - ISID / SUD AMÉRICA: tendencias epidemioló...
4305. DENGUE - ISID / VENEZUELA: epidemia
4304. Drug Safety Oversight Board Meeting, November 19, ...
4303. FDA > Guidance for Industry
4302. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4301. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4300. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4299. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2008
4298. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refu...
4297. → sitimagene ceradenovec // European Medicines Agenc...
4296. ▲ AUTISM: Appendix
4295. ▲ AUTISM: Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders --...
4294. ISMP's List of High-Alert Medications - AHRQ Patie...
4293. Neuromuscular blocking agents: reducing associated...
4292. ♣ FDA Medication Guides 2009
4291. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
4290. Questions and Answers on AHRQ ARRA Recovery Act 20...
4289. Use of genetics in the clinical evaluation of card...
4288. Fatty acid interactions with genetic polymorphisms...
4287. TGen analysis identifies biomarkers for diabetic k...
4286. Genetic Link To Heart Failure
4285. Germany Starts Its Part In The International Cance...
4284. 454 Sequencing Systems And NimbleGen Sequence Capt...
4283. NIH-Funded Study Unveils Potential Genetic Links t...
4282. New genes for lung disease discovered
4281. Study examines the association of BRCA1 gene, infe...
4280. New Suppressor Of Common Liver Cancer
4279. First Comprehensive Genetic Analysis Of Lung Cance...
4278. Public Health Genomics at the 2009 APHA Conference...
4277. NOT-HS-10-007: Special Emphasis Notice (SEN): AHRQ...
4276. WHO: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Vaccine Deployment Updat...
4275. RFA-HS-10-009: Recovery Act 2009 Limited Competiti...
4274. * IntraMed - Artículos - Nuevo Libro Virtual: Introd...
4273. → dronedarone - EPARs for human use - Multaq
4272. Recovery Month 2009 - New Publication on Clinical ...
4271. FDA MedWatch - November 2009 Drug Safety Labeling ...
4270. → Insulin aspart - EPARs for human use - NovoRapid
4269. → Tipranavir - EPARs for human use - Aptivus
4268. → Fosamprenavir calcium - EPARs for human use - Te...
4267. → Amprenavir - EPARs human use - Agenerase
4266. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - HMPC...
4265. The Role of Public Health in Addressing Racial and...
4264. Evolving definitions of mental illness and wellnes...
4263. Agranulocytosis Associated with Cocaine Use --- Fo...
4262. Imported Case of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever --- Col...
4261. Assessment of Epidemiology Capacity in State Healt...
4260. Prevalence of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, United States ...
4259. clevidipine butyrate
4258. Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Occu...
4257. Developing and Implementing the Massachusetts Comp...
4256. Choropleth Map Design for Cancer Incidence, Part 2...
4255. Choropleth Map Design for Cancer Incidence, Part 1...
4254. AHRQ ARRA Recovery Act 2009 Limited Competition
4253. Call for Public Review
4252. Lay Representations of Cancer Prevention and Early...
4251. Ethnic and Regional Differences in Prevalence and ...
4250. The Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis in 3 US Commu...
4249. Optimized Probability Sampling of Study Sites to I...
4248. Health Behaviors and Quality of Life of Cancer Sur...
4247. Factors Predicting Glycemic Control in Middle-Aged...
4246. Familial Risk for Chronic Disease... - Preventing ...
4245. Bridging Mental Health and Public Health - Prevent...
4244. A Shared Worldview: Mental Health and Public Healt...
4243. Preventing Chronic Disease: January 2010: 09_0171
4242. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / Inmunosupresiones
4241. Cardiac signaling genes exhibit unexpected sequenc...
4240. Comparative Effectiveness of Core-Needle and Open ...
4239. Non-surgical Method for Diagnosing Breast Cancer S...
4238. Non-Safety-Related Voluntary Recall of Certain Lot...
4237. Undeclared drug, sulfoaildenafil, may result in lo...
4236. ▲ Science Report - Revista Digital de CEDEPAP TV / ...
4235. inédito trasplante “dominó”, una mujer recibió el ...
4233. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / U.S.A.: vacuna con a...
4232. FDA Expands Presence Outside U.S. with Opening of ...
4231. FDA Approves First Generic Aricept to Treat Dement...
4230. Ventricular septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidel...
4229. Tricuspid atresia/single ventricle. In: ACC/AHA 20...
4228. Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Joint ...
4227. The Many Facets of Evidence: Commentary on the Ame...
4226. Tetralogy of Fallot. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines f...
4225. Right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. In: A...
4224. Recommendations for delivery of care and ensuring ...
4223. Patent ductus arteriosus. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guideli...
4222. Pulmonary hypertension/Eisenmenger physiology. In:...
4221. Left-sided heart obstructive lesions: aortic valve...
4220. Ebstein's anomaly. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines for...
4219. Non-surgical Method for Diagnosing Breast Cancer S...
4218. CDC 2009 H1N1 Flu | 2009 H1N1 U.S. Situation Updat...
4217. CDC H1N1 Flu | In The News - Deaths related to 200...
4216. NIAID Web Bulletin: NIAID Testing Candidate DNA Va...
4215. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 78
4214. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
4213. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4212. Dextro-transposition of the great arteries. In: AC...
4211. Coronary artery abnormalities. In: ACC/AHA 2008 gu...
4210. Congenitally corrected transposition of the great ...
4209. Atrioventricular septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 g...
4208. Atrial septal defect. In: ACC/AHA 2008 guidelines ...
4207. Las muertes por gripe A en el mundo se acercan a 1...
4206. mieloma múltiple: Lenalidomida retrasa un 50% la p...
4205. RFA-HS-10-011: AHRQ ARRA Recovery Act 2009 Limited...
4204. RFA-HS-10-007: AHRQ ARRA Recovery Act 2009 Limited...
4203. Hepatitis A Inactivated & Hepatitis B (Recombinant...
4202. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / URUGUAY
4201. Genomic microarrays in mental retardation: from CN...
4200. Prevention and control of meningococcal disease. R...
4199. Adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for ankylosi...
4198. MALARIA - ISID - Guayana Francesa
4197. A pooling-based genome-wide analysis identifies ne...
4196. Epistatic interactions between genetic disorders o...
4195. Salmonella en ranas - U.S.A. [ISID]
4194. VIRUS del NILO OCCIDENTAL - Sur de Europa - ISID
4192. Scientific Presentations by NCTR Researchers — Ima...
4191. Tamiflu for Oral Suspension
4190. ♣ Serologic cross-reactivity with pandemic (H1N1) 20...
4189. ♣ Hospitalizations for Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 among Ma...
4188. ♣ Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Surveillance and Prevalence o...
4187. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Guide to Clinical Prev...
4186. Epigenetics and the environmental regulation of th...
4185. Role of host genetics in fibrosis. [Fibrogenesis T...
4184. Postgraduate Symposium The MTHFR C677T polymorphis...
4183. Genetics of coronary artery disease: focus on geno...
4182. Genetic Variants Identified in a European Genome-W...
4181. Tumor protein 53 mutations and inherited cancer: b...
4180. Molecular epidemiology of genetic susceptibility t...
4179. Female BRCA mutation carriers with a preference fo...
4178. Copy number variations and cancer susceptibility. ...
4177. Quest Diagnostics Reveals New Genetic Discoveries ...
4176. Type 2 Diabetes Gene Predisposes Children To Obesi...
4175. Study identifies genetic predeterminants for diabe...
4174. Gene module underlying atherosclerosis development...
4173. UC Davis News & Information :: Understanding DNA R...
4172. Master gene plays a key role in development of a c...
4171. New Gene Findings Will Help Guide Treatment In Inf...
4170. Gene’s Position in the Nucleus Can be Used to Dist...
4169. Genetic Variations Indicate Risk Of Recurrence, Se...
4168. Identification Of Possible Ovarian Cancer Treatmen...
4167. Polycythemia Vera // ATSDR - Press Release - 12/8...
4166. Marrow transplant cures adult sickle cell disease ...
4165. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4164. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
4163. CDC H1N1 Flu | African Americans and H1N1
4162. CDC H1N1 Flu | In The News - People living with HI...
4161. ╠ Trial Complements Current Studies in HIV-Infected ...
4160. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / PERÚ - REPÚBLICA DOM...
4159. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / OSELTAMIVIR CUESTION...
4158. Negative Pressure Wound Devices Draw FDA Notice, A...
4157. Safety of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vacci...
4156. ╠ Outbreak of Erythema Nodosum of Unknown Cause --- ...
4155. Fatal Poisoning Among Young Children from Diethyle...
4154. ╠ Deaths Related to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1)...
4153. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Orph...
4152. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
4151. CHAGAS - ISID / ravuconazol
4150. HPV Vaccine by CDC ACIP
4149. Yellow Fever Vaccine by CDC ACIP
4148. Recomendaciones provisionales actualizadas para el...
4147. → Updated Interim Recommendations for the Use of Ant...
4146. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Orph...
4145. Public Workshop: Emerging Arboviruses: Evaluating ...
4144. Procleix Ultrio Assay: Human Immunodeficiency Viru...
4143. AHRQ Technology Assessments Update: Horizon Scan: ...
4142. → abacavir sulfate // EPARs for authorised medicina...
4141. → abacavir / lamivudine / zidovudine - EPARs for a...
4137. nsaids appendix1
4135. bisphosphonates opinion by CHMP
4134. Presence of the antibiotic resistance marker gene ...
4132. ► Eficacy of Antidepressants, CHMP opinions
4130. Questions and answers on the review of the use of ...
4125. User Fee Billable Biologic Products and Potencies ...
4124. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / Patología respirator...
4123. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / SUIZA: decesos post ...
4122. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
4121. HHS modifies approach to supporting second generat...
4120. New York Autopsies Show 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus ...
4119. PLoS Medicine: The Severity of Pandemic H1N1 Influ...
4118. Critical Issues in the Management of Adult Patient...
4117. Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation, Management ...
4115. NGC - Expert Resources - Expert Commentary
4114. Work-related carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis and ...
4113. ◄ Evidence-based practice guideline. Acute confusion...
4112. ▼ Screening of infants for hyperbilirubinemia to pre...
4111. ▼ Screening for impaired visual acuity in older adul...
4110. ▼Screening for hepatitis B virus infection in pregn...
4109. ► Type 2 diabetes. In: Prevention, detection and tre...
4108. ► Type 1 diabetes. In: Prevention, detection and tre...
4107. ► Diabetes in pregnancy. In: Prevention, detection a...
4106. ▲ Chronic kidney disease. Early identification and m...
4105. ▲ Colorectal cancer screening clinical practice guid...
4104. ▲ Gliomas.
4103. ▲ Rectal cancer.
4102. ▲ Colon cancer.
4101. ▲ Prostate-specific antigen best practice statement:...
4100. ▲ Screening and surveillance for the early detection...
4099. ▲ Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis...
4098. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Marketi...
4097. NIAID Web Bulletin: NIAID to Compare Responses of ...
4096. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 77
4095. FDA, CDC, and States Investigating Norovirus Illne...
4094. FDA Makes Interim Recommendations to Address Conce...
4093. ∞ Advancing Patient Safety: A Decade of Evidence, De...
4092. → Alendronic acid as alendronate sodium trihydrate a...
4091. → Strontium ranelate // EPARs for authorised medici...
4090. → Strontium ranelate - EPARs for human use - Protelo...
4089. → shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine (live) - EPARs fo...
4088. → Palivizumab - EPARs for human use - Synagis
4087. → rotavirus vaccine, live, oral - EPARs for human u...
4086. → Alendronate sodium trihydrate and colecalciferol -...
4085. → interferon beta-1b // EPARs for human use - Extavi...
4084. → EPARs for human use - Prepandemic influenza vaccin...
4083. von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Comp...
4082. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
4081. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
4080. → Sodium oxybate - EPARs for authorised medicinal pr...
4079. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / resistencia a Oselta...
4078. Research Activities, December 2009: Research Brief...
4077. Research Activities, December 2009: HIV/AIDS Resea...
4076. Research Activities, December 2009: HIV/AIDS Resea...
4075. Research Activities, December 2009: Primary Care: ...
4074. Research Activities, December 2009: Primary Care: ...
4073. Research Activities, December 2009: Emergency Medi...
4072. Research Activities, December 2009: Emergency Medi...
4071. Research Activities, December 2009: Child/Adolesce...
4070. Research Activities, December 2009: Women's Health...
4069. Research Activities, December 2009: Men's Health: ...
4068. Research Activities, December 2009: Men's Health: ...
4067. Research Activities, December 2009: Outcomes/Effec...
4066. Research Activities, December 2009: Outcomes/Effec...
4065. Research Activities, December 2009: Outcomes/Effec...
4064. Research Activities, December 2009: Disparities/Mi...
4063. Research Activities, December 2009: Pharmaceutical...
4062. Research Activities, December 2009: Pharmaceutical...
4061. Racial and ethnic disparities in awareness of gene...
4060. Treatment-focused DNA testing for newly diagnosed ...
4059. Imaging genetics of anxiety disorders. [Neuroimage...
4058. Molecular mechanisms underlying anorexia nervosa: ...
4057. Worldwide frequency of G2019S LRRK2 mutation in Pa...
4056. From genes to proteins in mendelian Parkinson's di...
4055. Genomic and personalized medicine: foundations and...
4054. Personalized medicine: individualized care of canc...
4053. Using Lifetime Risk Estimates in Personal Genomic ...
4052. Pharmacogenetic profiling in the treatment of hear...
4051. Pharmacogenomics of beta1-adrenergic receptor poly...
4050. Effect of beta2-adrenergic receptor polymorphism o...
4049. Genomics of pulmonary arterial hypertension: impli...
4048. The COPD genetic association compendium: a compreh...
4047. "Personalizing" academic medicine: opportunities a...
4046. Evaluation of the discriminative accuracy of genom...
4045. Leptospirosis - ISID / República Dominicana
4044. Bacillus cereus - ISID / MÉXICO
4043. VIH - SIDA / ISID - fosamprenavir (ver otros alert...
4042. Sífilis congénita - ISID / alta incidencia en Amér...
4041. VIH - SIDA / ISID - transmisión en expansión
4040. FDA Drug Safety Newsletter
4039. Steris System 1 Processor: FDA Notice and Recommen...
4038. ♦ Case & Commentary (5/5) - AHRQ WebM&M
4037. ♦ Case & Commentary (4/5) - AHRQ WebM&M
4036. ♦ Case & Commentary (3/5) - AHRQ WebM&M
4035. ♦ Perspectives on Safety (2/5) - AHRQ WebM&M
4034. ♦ Perspectives on Safety (1/5) - AHRQ WebM&M
4033. ☼ Oseltamivir- and Amantadine-Resistant Influenza Vi...
4032. Fatal Case of Pneumonia Associated with Pandemic (...
4031. Severe Pneumonia Associated with Pandemic (H1N1) 2...
4030. HIV/AIDS Update: fosamprenavir calcium [2]
4029. ◙ diclofenac sodium topical gel: Hepatic Effects Lab...
4028. Safety of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vacci...
4027. H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu): Preparedness Tools for Profe...
4026. Parental Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Hypertroph...
4025. Implementation of ironXS: a study of the acceptabi...
4024. Heterogeneous prevalence of recurrent BRCA1 and BR...
4023. Evaluation of genetic tests for susceptibility to ...
4022. Efficiency of BRCAPRO and Myriad II mutation proba...
4021. A Nationwide Genetic Testing Survey in Italy, Year...
4020. The impact of genetic counseling on knowledge and ...
4019. Population-based family-history-specific risks for...
4018. Family History of Diabetes and Prevalence of the M...
4017. A Pilot Study of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Kno...
4016. Genome-wide SNP genotyping study using pooled DNA ...
4015. Factor V Leiden and hemophilia. [Thromb Res. 2009]...
4014. Vascular tone and the genomics of hypertension. [H...
4013. The genetics of cardiomyopathy: genotyping and gen...
4012. Targeting device therapy: genomics of sudden death...
4011. Genomics of heart failure. [Heart Fail Clin. 2010]...
4010. The validation of a simulation model incorporating...
4009. RD Lawrence Lecture 2009. Old genes, new tricks: l...
4008. Influenza virus surface antigens, inactivated: A/C...
4007. Split influenza virus, inactivated, containing ant...
4006. Adolescent Mental Health: Service Settings and Rea...
4005. Employment and Major Depressive Episode
4004. Mental Health Support and Self-Help Groups
4003. * IntraMed - Artículos - El Síndrome Burnout en médi...
4002. El yeyuno que se convierte en esófago - DiarioMedi...
4001. WHO | Oseltamivir resistance in immunocompromised ...
4000. HLA-DPB1 and DPB2 are genetic loci for systemic sc...
3999. Study on the genetics of osteoarthritis
3998. Gene Increases Effectiveness Of Drugs Used To Figh...
3997. Genetic pattern indicates early-stage lung cancer
3996. Shedding light on celiac disease // NorthJersey.co...
3995. ◘ Valproate Sodium and related products (valproic ac...
3994. ◘ Risk of Neural Tube Birth Defects following prenat...
3993. ◘ Fosamprenavir calcium (Lexiva) - MEDWATCH by FDA
3992. National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National F...
3991. Recent Mental Health Research Findings
3990. Announcement: 13th Annual Conference on Vaccine Re...
3989. ▲ Global Measles Mortality, 2000--2008
3988. ▲ Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance ---...
3987. ▲ Appendix: Trichinae Certification Program Final Ru...
3986. ► Trichinellosis Surveillance --- United States, 200...
3985. ▲ Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis in Hispanic Wome...
3984. Annual Drive-Through Clinic Enhances Access to Inf...
3983. Medication Errors: Significance of Accurate Patien...
3982. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
3981. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
3979. ECALLANTIDE for Treating Potentially Life-Threaten...
3978. Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccines Compos...
3977. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season
3976. Norpramin (desipramine hydrochloride)
3975. ♥ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Initiate...
3974. ♥ 2009 Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research [Stem ...
3973. ♥ First Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Approved for...
3972. Opening and Mixing Tamiflu® Capsules with Liquids ...
3972. * IntraMed - Entrevistas - ¿Por qué ser médico hoy?
3971. * IntraMed - Artículos - Encuesta Exclusiva IntraMed...
3970. * IntraMed - Artículos - ¿Qué piensan los médicos so...
3969. * IntraMed - Artículos - ¿Cómo percibieron los médic...
3968. * IntraMed - Artículos - La enfermedad de los médico...
3967. * IntraMed - Artículos - Estudio DOCTOR
3965. → sunitinib malate - EPARs for authorised medicina...
3964. → thalidomide - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
3963. → lapatinib ditosylate monohydrate // EPARs for auth...
3962. → Perflutren - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
3961. → SORAFENIB - EPARs for authorised medicinal product...
3960. → Mangafodipir trisodium (anhydrous) - EPARs for aut...
3959. → European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
3958. → clopidogrel besilate - EPARs for authorised medi...
3957. → European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
3956. → Eptifibatide - EPARs for authorised medicinal pr...
3955. → doripenem monohydrate - EPARs for authorised medic...
3954. → prasugrel - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
3953. → Posaconazole - EPARs for authorised medicinal pro...
3952. → Human Papillomavirus vaccine [Types 16, 18] (Recom...
3951. → Perflutren - EPARs for authorised medicinal produc...
3950. FDA's MedWatch Safety Alerts: November 2009
3949. → Bortezomib - EPARs for human use - Velcade
3948. → Oseltamivir phosphate - EPARs for human use - Tami...
3947. → Lamivudine - EPARs for human use - Epivir
3946. → LAMIVUDINE - Opinions on medicines for use outside...
3945. CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Weekly Report: In...
3944. Center For Drug Evaluation and Research List of Gu...
3943. Presentación de investigaciones pioneras que marca...
3942. Availability of pharmacist: does the hospital have...
3941. Screening for Depression in Adults
3939. ♣ Provisional Recommendations for HPV Vaccine
3938. December 2009 MedSun Newsletter
3937. December 2009 FDA Patient Safety News
3936. ► ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Hodgkin's lymphoma-s...
3935. ► ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Hodgkin's lymphoma-f...
3934. ► ACR Appropriateness Criteria® definitive external ...
3933. ► ACR Appropriateness Criteria® nonsurgical treatmen...
3932. Commonwealth leaders issue groundbreaking action s...
3931. ♣ Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in...
3930. ♣ NGC - Resources - Hospital Acquired Conditions
3929. ▲ Guidelines for Glucose Monitoring and Treatment of...
3928. ▲ Schizophrenia. Core interventions in the treatment...
3927. ▲ Prostate cancer. Diagnosis and treatment.
3926. ▲ ACPM has submitted guidelines on screening for ost...
3925. Bortezomib in multiple myeloma and lymphoma.
3924. ▲ Gastroscopy following a positive fecal occult bloo...
3923. ▲ Guideline for optimization of surgical pathologica...
3922. ▲ Optimization of surgical and pathological quality ...
3921. ▲ Treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in older patie...
3919. ▲ Surgical management of otitis media with effusion ...
3918. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / Infecciones bacteria...
3917. → azacitidine - EPARs for human use - Vidaza
3916. → olanzapine - EPARs for human use - Zalasta
3915. → rivaroxaban - EPARs for human use - Xarelto
3914. → Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Inte...
3913. 3ª Reunión Anual de la RECAVA (Red de Investigació...
o ► noviembre (558)
o ► octubre (566)
o ► septiembre (505)
o ► agosto (472)
o ► julio (388)
o ► junio (374)
o ► mayo (326)
o ► abril (272)
o ► marzo (214)
o ► febrero (182)
o ► enero (69)
• ▼ 2009 (3926)
o ▼ noviembre (558)
3912. WHO | Arsenic in drinking water
3911. El componente acetabular tiene tanta importancia c...
3910. La técnica Notes permite extirpar un cáncer de rec...
3909. Los niños precisan ensayos de anti-VIH con arreglo...
3908. La evolución del sida pide nuevos esfuerzos - Diar...
3907. WHO | Rapid advice: use of antiretroviral drugs fo...
3906. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 76
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