Aporte a la rutina de la trinchera asistencial donde los conocimientos se funden con las demandas de los pacientes, sus necesidades y las esperanzas de permanecer en la gracia de la SALUD.
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009
AHRQ Patient Safety Network
Patient Safety Papers 4.
Baker GR, ed. Healthc Q. 2009;12:1-198.
This special issue discusses Canadian patient safety efforts in identifying risks, designing safe systems, implementing solutions, developing learning systems, and understanding legal decision making.
Implementation of Admission Medication Reconciliation at Two Academic Health Sciences Centres: Challenges and Success Factors MAITReyA CoFFey, PATRICIA CoRnISH, TeSSIe KoonTHAnAM, edwARd eTCHellS And Anne MATlow
establishing a Provincial Patient Safety and learning System: Pilot Project Results and lessons learned doug CoCHRAne, AnneMARIe TAyloR, geoRgene MIlleR, VAloRIA HAIT, IRene MATSuI, MAnISH BHARAdwAj And PATRICK deVIne
Human Factors Perspectives on a Systemic Approach to ensuring a Safer Medication delivery Process joSePH A. CAFAzzo, PATRICIA TRBoVICH, AndReA CASSAno-PICHe, AnjuM CHAgPAR, PeTeR g. RoSSoS, KIM j. VICenTe And AnTHony C. eASTy
Improving Communication of Critical Test Results in a Pediatric Academic Setting: Key lessons in Achieving and Sustaining Positive outcomes CHeRyl jACKSon, MAuReen MACdonAld, MICHAel AndeRSon, Polly STeVenS, PHIlIP goRdon And RonAld lAxeR
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AHRQ Patient Safety Network
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