un blog del conjunto SALUD EQUITATIVA®
CIENCIAS MÉDICAS NEWS©: Directorio de Documentos editados en AGOSTO 2009
Desde su creación el 10 de enero de 2009, el BLOG ha recibido 53.300 consultas (31/08/2009 al mediodía de Argentina). Agradezco a todos los anónimos que buscan en estas páginas contenidos científicos fehacientes, lo cual se transfiere a la calidad de las fuentes que los proveen.
Este BLOG es usualmente consultado desde todo el mundo. Acceden a él, instituciones académicas, centros de investigación, instituciones de salud tanto públicas como privadas, entes oficiales de distintos gobiernos, así como también profesionales médicos, bioquímicos, farmacéuticos, enfermeros, psicólogos y muchos otros de aquellos que integran el “equipo de salud”.
Si bien la intención original era publicar todo en idioma español únicamente, las circunstancias nos fueron impulsando a incluir documentos en idioma inglés, los que hoy ocupan mayoritariamente las ediciones diarias. Pedimos disculpas por ello, pero bajo la evidencia del interés que los mismos documentos en idioma inglés despiertan, sustentamos la conducta prometiendo acrecentar las ediciones en español para aquellos que no son bilingües o no se sienten cómodos leyendo en inglés.
Agradezco profundamente a todas y cada una de las FUENTES: Agencia Europea de Medicamentos, Food and Drug Administration-USA, National Institute of Health- USA; CDC- USA; AHRQ- USA; NGC- USA; NQMC- USA; Sociedad Internacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas [ISID], IntraMed, El HOSPITAL (USA), EL MÉDICO INTERACTIVO (España), (España), DIARIO MÉDICO (España), y a todas las demás instituciones del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Europa, que nos aportan diariamente con información altamente calificada.
Este BLOG se nutre de información en red que se distribuye gratuitamente y no monetiza los contenidos por respeto a las necesidades de los profesionales del equipo de la salud. Por dicho motivo, tenemos la libertad de administrar la información que recibimos sin emitir opinión (salvo excepciones de ética y/o bioética explícitas) y sin calificar como así tampoco descalificar a las fuentes. En lo personal entiendo que la información científico-médica debe ser de acceso universal ya que ello habilita a la discusión y al crecimiento del conocimiento. Cerasale©. Agosto 31, 2009.-
Ranking de consultas hasta el 31 de AGOSTO de 2009:
1. Argentina: 13.330 - 25,0 %
2. México: 7.193 – 13,5 %
3. España: 7.145 - 13,4 %
4. Venezuela: 3.631 - 6,8 %
5. Perú: 3.617 - 6,8 %
6. Estados Unidos: 3.282 - 6,2 %
7. Colombia: 3.108 - 5,8 %
8. Chile: 2.348 - 4,4 %
9. Bolivia: 1.224 - 2,3 %
10. Ecuador: 1.213 - 2,3 %
El resto: 7.266 - 13,6 %
Total: 53.357 - 100,0 %
• ▼ 2009 (2294)
o ▼ agosto (469)
2285. * IntraMed - Artículos - Tos crónica: diagnóstico en...
2284. * IntraMed - Noticias médicas - La OMS advierte de u...
2283. Cross-reactive Antibodies against Avian Influenza ...
2282. Reemergence of Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever, 2007–20...
2281. Genomic Diversity of Oseltamivir-Resistant Influen...
2280. Human Infection with G12 Rotaviruses, Germany | CD...
2279. Saffold Cardiovirus in Children | CDC EID
2278. Rhinovirus C and Apparently Life-Threatening Event...
2277. Replication of HBoV-2 in Respiratory Tract | CDC E...
2276. Surveillance for Hepatitis C Virus, USA | CDC EID
2275. Merkel Cell Polyomavirus | CDC EID
2274. HPAI Virus A (H7N3) in Saskatchewan, Canada, 2007 ...
2273. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID/USA: alta transmisibil...
2272. Hantavirus Infection in the Republic of Georgia | ...
2271. Coxsackievirus A6, Finland | CDC EID
2270. Vectors of BTV-8, Germany | CDC EID
2269. Avian Bornaviruses and Proventricular Dilatation D...
2268. Genetics and Pathogenesis of Feline Infectious Per...
2267. Nurses' Contacts and Disease Transmission | CDC EI...
2266. Kyasanur Forest Disease Virus | CDC EID
2265. Bocavirus-induced Wheezing in Children | CDC EID
2264. Influenza A Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus Infection, ...
2263. Foot-and-Mouth Disease Viruses, Ethiopia, 1981–200...
2262. Bat Coronaviruses, Ghana | CDC EID
2261. Backyard Raccoon Latrines and Risk for Baylisascar...
2260. Lack of Airborne Transmission during Outbreak of P...
2259. Human Infection with G12 Rotaviruses, Germany | CD...
2258. Replication of HBoV-2 in Respiratory Tract | CDC E...
2257. Shiga Toxin–producing E. coli O91 | CDC EID
2256. Risk Factors for Campylobacter Enteritis, England ...
2255. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: 465 decesos
2254. Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi with CTX-M β-Lac...
2253. Admissions for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections | C...
2252. OMS advierte de una forma más severa de la gripe A...
2251. Etiology of Encephalitis in Australia, 1990–2007 |...
2250. Aves de corral, en riesgo tras casos H1N1 en pavos...
2249. Europa se prepara para un incremento del contagio ...
2248. Vaccines: Stats-Surv/Immunization Coverage in the ...
2247. Science Report - Revista Digital de CEDEPAP TV
2246. CDC Newsroom Press Release August 27, 2009
2245. Vaccines: News/2009 MMWRs related to immunization
2244. Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide to Using Them Safe...
2243. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
2242. EPARs human use - NeuroBloc//Botulinum Toxin Type ...
2241. EPARs human use - Olanzapine Neopharma//olanzapine...
2240. EPARs human use - Olanzapine Teva//olanzapine
2239. EPARs human use - Liprolog//Insulin Lispro
2238. EPARs human use - Pramipexole Teva//pramipexole
2237. H1N1 - gripe porcina - CANADÁ: criterios sanitario...
2236. Triquinosis humana en ARGENTINA
2235. Extrapulmonary Infections and NTM, CME Activity | ...
2234. Zika Virus Outside Africa | CDC EID
2233. Environmental Changes and Infectious Disease | CDC...
2232. Early Communication about an Ongoing Safety Review...
2231. Updated Information on Leukotriene Inhibitors: Mon...
2230. H1N1 - gripe porcina - BRASIL: 557 decesos
2229. National, State, and Local Area Vaccination Covera...
2228. Surveillance for the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1...
2227. 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infections ...
2226. Use of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
2225. H1N1 - gripe porcina - VENEZUELA: deceso
2224. H1N1 - gripe porcina - COLOMBIA: nuevos decesos
2223. FDA shortage - Cerezyme (imiglucerase)
2222. H1N1 - gripe porcina - BRASIL: 512 muertes
2221. Aprobado en Europa el omalizumab para el asma grav...
2220. Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opp...
2219. Drug Safety Labeling Changes by FDA
2218. HIV/AIDS Update -New Intelence labeling: severe sk...
2217. FDA MedWatch - Levemir Insulin (Novo Nordisk)
2216. *Tamizaje del cáncer colorrectal [IntraMed]
2215. La mitad de los médicos no ven necesario vacunarse...
2214. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: posición de la OMC
2213. FDA MedWatch - Stabilet Infant Warmer
2212. Status of OTC Rulemakings
2211. H1N1 - gripe porcina: Las embarazadas no contagian...
2210. El sexo no es sólo una Y
2209. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
2208. EPARs human use - Levitra//Vardenafil
2207. EPARs human use - Humalog//Insulin lispro
2206. EPARs human use - Vivanza//Vardenafil
2205. EPARs human use - Mimpara//cinacalcet (as hydrochl...
2204. EPARs human use - Neupro//Rotigotine
2203. EPARs human use - Sutent//sunitinib malate
2202. EPARs human use - Rilutek//Riluzole
2201. EPARs human use - Toviaz//fesoterodine
2200. Skin safety protocol: risk assessment and preventi...
2199. Safe site invasive procedure - non-operating room....
2198. Prevention of unintentionally retained foreign obj...
2197. Prevention of falls (acute care). Health care prot...
2196. Pressure ulcer treatment. Health care protocol.
2195. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® neuroendocrine imagi...
2194. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® headache - child.
2193. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® fever without source...
2192. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® developmental dyspla...
2190. Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: gene...
2189. Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: can ...
2188. Recommendations from the EGAPP Working Group: can ...
2187. Systemic Adjuvant Therapy for Patients at High Ris...
2186. 2008 focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA ...
2185. Early Communication about an Ongoing Safety Review...
2184. Orlistat (marketed as Alli and Xenical): Early Com...
2183. IntraMed - Artículos - Insuficiencia suprarrenal
2182. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / OPS
2181. IntraMed - Artículos - ¿Qué piensan los médicos so...
2180. IntraMed - Artículos - El Síndrome Burnout en médi...
2179. IntraMed - Artículos - ¿Cómo imaginan los médicos ...
2178. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: instituto carcelari...
2177. H1N1 - gripe porcina - CHILE: granja avícola [ISID...
2176. ARGENTINA: son 439 los muertos por la nueva influe...
2175. WHO | WHO Guidelines for Pharmacological Managemen...
2174. Health Care-Associated Infections
2173. Ibuprofen (Unapproved) topical drug products
2172. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ANTIVIRALES recomendaciones...
2171. CDC 2009 H1N1 Flu | 2009 H1N1 Flu: International S...
2170. vigabatrin: Treat Spasms in Infants and Epileptic ...
2169. Use of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
2168. Patient Misidentification in Papanicolaou Tests: A...
2167. Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and...
2166. Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and...
2165. Criteria for Determining Disability in Infants and...
2164. Criteria to Determine Disability Related to Multip...
2163. Carbohydrate and Lipid Disorders and Relevant Cons...
2162. Barriers and Drivers of Health Information Technol...
2161. Hispanic Diabetes Disparities Learning Network in ...
2160. EPARs human use - Kepivance//Palifermin
2159. EPARs human use - ATryn//antithrombin alfa
2158. EPARs human use - Pelzont//nicotinic acid / laropi...
2157. EPARs human use - Trevaclyn//nicotinic acid / laro...
2156. EPARs human use - Tredaptive//nicotinic acid / lar...
2155. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
2154. Facing Facts About Acne
2153. Chile: detectan gripe A en pavos de Valparaíso
2152. WHO | Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update 62
2151. Advierten que continúa la "transmisión activa" de ...
2150. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / AUSTRALIA: estrategi...
2149. Research Activities, May 2008: Women's Health: Ant...
2148. Management of Eating Disorders: Structured Abstrac...
2146. EPARs human use - Jalra//vildagliptin
2145. EPARs human use - Zomarist//vildagliptin / metafor...
2144. EPARs human use - Xiliarx//vildagliptin
2143. EPARs human use - Abraxane//paclitaxel (as paclita...
2142. EPARs human use - Icandra//vicandra / metformin hy...
2141. EPARs human use - Zyprexa Velotab//Olanzapine
2140. EPARs human use - Zyprexa//Olanzapine
2139. EPARs human use - Exjade//deferasirox
2138. EPARs human use - Kepivance//Palifermin
2137. Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and ...
2136. H1N1 - gripe porcina - OMS / GLOBAL actualizado
2135. QuickStats: Percentage of Adults with Selected Res...
2134. Errata: Vol. 58, No. RR-8
2133. Oseltamivir-Resistant Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Vir...
2132. Childhood Lead Poisoning Associated with Lead Dust...
2131. Alcohol Use Among High School Students --- Georgia...
2130. Gardasil Vaccine Safety
2129. FDA Proposes Mandatory Electronic Safety Reporting...
2128. EPARs human use - Lucentis//ranibizumab
2127. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season
2126. Hiberix - Haemophilus b Conjugate Vaccine (Tetanus...
2125. Drug Safety Oversight Board Meeting, July 16, 2009...
2124. Issues in the Development of Antiviral Products fo...
2123. Individual Product Bioequivalence Recommendations
2122. Rickettsia / ISID - México
2121. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / VACUNA: ensayos clín...
2120. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Staff Training and Sup...
2119. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Nursing Home Learning ...
2118. AHRQ Innovations Exchange | Adaptation and Expansi...
2117. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
2116. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Marketi...
2115. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
2114. EPARs human use - Trazec//Nateglinide
2113. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Adult Schedule main page
2112. Vaccines: Recs/Schedules/Child Schedule main page
2111. Vaccines: Recs/Provisional/Provisional Recs main p...
2110. Vaccines: Vac-Gen/Shortages/main page
2109. Red Book® Online -- News & Features
2108. AHRQ News and Numbers: Heart Conditions, Cancer, T...
2107. Chronic Disease: Low omega-3 fatty acid levels fou...
2106. EPARs human use - Yttriga//Yttrium (90Y) chloride
2105. EPARs human use - Lyrica//Pregabalin
2104. EPARs human use - Xeristar//Duloxetine hydrochlori...
2103. EPARs human use - Xolair//omalizumab
2102. EPARs human use - Regranex//Homodimer of B-chain o...
2101. EPARs human use - Pedea//Ibuprofen
2100. EPARs human use - Glivec//Imatinib mesilate
2099. EPARs human use - Dynastat//Parecoxib sodium
2098. EPARs human use - Prepandemic influenza vaccine (H...
2097. EPARs human use - Vimpat//lacosamide
2096. EPARs human use - Pandemrix//Pandemic influenza va...
2095. EPARs human use - Prepandrix//Prepandemic influenz...
2094. EPARs human use - Ecalta//anidulafungin
2093. EPARs human use - Flebogammadif//human normal immu...
2092. EPARs human use - Sprycel//Dasatinib
2091. EPARs human use - Revatio//sildenafil (as citrate)...
2090. EPARs human use - Duloxetine Boehringer Ingelheim/...
2089. CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil) August 2009
2088. Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalenc...
2087. Inpatient treatment for elderly nondementia psychi...
2086. IntraMed - Noticias médicas - Genética: predice la...
2084. Vitamin D in dialysis patients.
2083. Use of phosphate binders in kidney disease.
2082. Use of calcimimetic drugs.
2081. Reducing proteinuria.
2080. Blood pressure control: targets.
2079. Blood pressure control: role of specific anti-hype...
2078. CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel 2009-H1N1 Flu: International ...
2077. Guidelines for oesophageal manometry and pH monito...
2076. Guidelines for osteoporosis in inflammatory bowel ...
2075. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® vomiting in infants ...
2074. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® solitary pulmonary n...
2073. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® rib fractures.
2072. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® acute respiratory il...
2071. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® acute respiratory il...
2070. EPARs human use - Velmetia//sitagliptin / metformi...
2069. EPARs human use - Efficib//sitagliptin / metformin...
2068. EPARs human use - Janumet//sitagliptin phosphate m...
2067. OBESITY 3.3. - Preventing Chronic Disease: July 20...
2066. OBESITY 2.3. Preventing Chronic Disease: July 2009...
2065. OBESITY 1.3. Preventing Chronic Disease: July 2009...
2064. Notice to Readers: Final 2008 Reports of Nationall...
2063. HIV - ISID / CUBA
2060. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: úndécimo deceso
2059. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: 11 decesos y 26.000...
2058. Oseltamivir-Resistant Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Vir...
2057. asenapine: Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
2056. FDA Issues Public Health Notification on Glucose M...
2055. Dextroamphetamine, Amphetamine 20mg Tablets
2054. CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil)
2053. EPARs human use - Fosavance//Alendronic acid as al...
2052. EPARs human use - Bonviva//Ibandronic acid
2051. EPARs human use - Cerezyme//Imiglucerase (recombin...
2050. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: actualización 14...
2049. GDH-PQQ (glucose dehydrogenase pyrroloquinoline qu...
2048. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / LATINOAMÉRICA
2047. Tamizaje prenatal: Detección de las alteraciones c...
2046. Vaccines: VFC/State and Territory Coordinators
2045. Notice to Readers: Final 2008 Reports of Nationall...
2044. QuickStats: Annual Rate of Nonfatal, Medically Att...
2043. Hepatitis Temporally Associated with an Herbal Sup...
2042. Pseudo-Outbreak of Legionnaires Disease Among Pati...
2041. Carbon Monoxide Exposures After Hurricane Ike --- ...
2040. H1N1 - gripe porcina - OMS: actualización (13/08/2...
2039. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
2038. EPARs human use - Cymbalta//Duloxetine hydrochlori...
2037. EPARs human use - Paxene//Paclitaxel
2036. EPARs human use - Zonegran//zonisamide
2035. Authorised Medicines for Human Use - Viramune//NEV...
2034. EPARs human use - Emend//Aprepitant
2033. EPARs human use - Ivemend//fosaprepitant dimeglumi...
2032. EPARs human use - Renvela//sevelamer carbonate
2031. EPARs human use - Nexavar//sorafenib
2030. EPARs human use - Sutent//sunitinib malate
2029. NIAID Media Availability: NIAID Scientists View Pa...
2028. Final Rules for Expanded Access to Investigational...
2027. H5N1 - OMS / EGIPTO
2026. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season
2025. EPARs human use - Celsentri//maraviroc
2024. EPARs human use - Baraclude//Entecavir
2023. EPARs human use - Champix//varenicline tartrate
2022. EPARs human use - Tygacil//tigecycline
2021. EPARs human use - ProQuad//Measles virus1 Enders' ...
2019. FDA - HIV-1 infection in adults
2018. EPARs human use - Firmagon//degarelix
2017. EPARs human use - Luveris//lutropin alfa (recombin...
2016. EPARs human use - Zometa//Zoledronic acid
2015. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
2014. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ASIA: expansión en época de...
2013. CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | CDC Response
2012. EPARs human use - Luveris//lutropin alfa (recombin...
2011. EPARs human use - Remicade//infliximab
2010. EPARs human use - Humira//adalimumab
2009. EPARs human use - Reyataz//Atazanavir sulphate
2008. EPARs human use - Ovitrelle//choriogonadotropin al...
2007. 7/7. Treatment of external genital warts and pre-i...
2006. 6/7. The role of HPV testing. In: Canadian consens...
2005. 5/7. Screening for cervical cancer. In: Canadian c...
2004. 4/7. Prevention. In: Canadian consensus guidelines...
2003. 3/7.Counselling. In: Canadian consensus guidelines...
2002. 2/7.Cost-benefit analysis of HPV vaccination. In: ...
2001. 1/7.Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of HPV-r...
2000. NCTR Research Highlights
1999. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
1998. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
1997. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Medi...
1996. OSELTAMIVIR: EAG´s e inefectividad terapéutica (IS...
1995. Vaccines: Pubs/SurvManual/Pertussis Chapter 10
1994. Vaccines: Stats-Surv/Immunization Coverage in the ...
1993. IntraMed - Artículos - Tratamiento del síncope en ...
1992. EPARs human use - Intelence//etravirine
1991. EPARs human use - Abraxane//paclitaxel albumin
1990. Adult immunizations.
1989. Intrapartum fetal surveillance. In: Fetal health s...
1988. Antenatal fetal surveillance. In: Fetal health sur...
1987. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® myelopathy.
1986. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® low back pain.
1985. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® head trauma.
1984. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® focal neurologic def...
1983. Venous thromboembolism (VTE).
1982. Screening and management of lipids.
1981. SAGES guidelines for office endoscopic services.
1980. (1) 2006 consensus guidelines for the management o...
1979. Hypopharyngeal cancer.
1978. Management of patients with stroke or TIA: assessm...
1977. The diagnosis and management of sinusitis: a pract...
1976. H1N1 - gripe porcina - COSTA RICA: actualización
1975. EPARs human use - Silgard//human papillomavirus va...
1974. EPARs human use - Levemir//insulin detemir
1973. European Medicines Agency - EMEA monthly medicines...
1972. EPARs human use - NovoRapid//Insulin aspart
1971. EPARs human use - Tracleer//Bosentan monohydrate
1970. EPARs human use - Vedrop//tocofersolan
1969. EPARs human use - GONAL-f//Recombinant human folli...
1968. Authorised Medicines for Human Use - Fablyn//lasof...
1967. Women's Health Behavioral health carve-outs limit ...
1966. CDC Recommendations for the Amount of Time Persons...
1965. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / PERÚ: actualización
1964. Virus Oropouche - ISID - brote extenso - BRASIL
1963. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - Refe...
1962. Vaccines: Pubs/SurvManual/main page
1961. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ESPAÑA: drástico incremento...
1960. EPARs human use - Cervarix//hpv-16 and hpv-18 L1 p...
1959. EPARs human use - Relistor//methylnaltrexone bromi...
1958. EPARs human use - Kineret//anakinra
1957. EPARs human use - Prevenar//Pneumococcal saccharid...
1956. EPARs human use - Raptiva//Efalizumab
1955. EPARs human use - Cancidas//Caspofungin acetate
1954. EPARs human use - Ebixa//Memantine hydrochloride
1953. EPARs human use - Gardasil//human papillomavirus v...
1952. EPARs human use - Aloxi//Palonosetron (as hydrochl...
1951. EPARs human use - MabCampath//Alemtuzumab
1950. CÁNCER DE LARINGE: IntraMed - Artículos - Importan...
1949. IntraMed - Artículos - Desordenes afectivos II
1948. Carga global de la enfermedad relacionada con la p...
1947. FIBRILACIÓN AURICULAR: tratamiento farmacológico
1946. IntraMed - Artículos - Tratamiento para revertir l...
1945. IntraMed - Artículos - Función tiroidea y riesgo d...
1944. IntraMed - Artículos - Prevención de las infeccion...
1943. FDA's MedWatch Safety Alerts: August 2009
1942. What's New from the Office of Oncology Drug Produc...
1941. WHO | Pandemic influenza vaccine manufacturing pro...
1940. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / OMS: producción de v...
1939. WHO | Safety of pandemic vaccines
1938. Bone Marrow Collection/Transfusion Kit
1937. Menactra: Meningococcal Polysaccharide (Serogroups...
1936. 2009 Meeting Materials, Vaccines and Related Biolo...
1935. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season C...
1934. FDA-NCI Workshop on Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines
1933. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory ...
1932. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Call...
1931. Human Medicines - Herbal Medicinal Products - Adop...
1930. FDA Issues Pharmaceutical Industry Guidance on Pre...
1929. Evaluation of Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests for...
1928. Contraceptive Use Among Postpartum Women --- 12 St...
1927. Updated Recommendations of the Advisory Committee ...
1926. Publication of HIV Testing Algorithms: a Status Re...
1925. Recommendations for Blood Lead Screening of Medica...
1924. ISID - MOZAMBIQUE/MALAWI - enfermedad desconocida
1923. "La Argentina está primera en el número de muertos...
1922. Treatment of Common Hip Fractures
1921. EPARs: human use - Increlex//mecasermin
1920. Bevacizumab (Avastin) in Combination with Interfer...
1919. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID/ARGENTINA: números ofi...
1918. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: actualización of...
1917. bevacizumab in combination with interferon alfa
1916. H5N1 - gripe aviaria - OMS: INFORME
1915. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ARGENTINA: 311 muertes
1914. Enfermedades neurológicas autoinmunes
1913. Juan José Badiola: "Cada vez van a existir más enf...
1911. OSELTAMIVIR: resistencias
1910. Early Communication about the Ongoing Safety Revie...
1909. FDA Approves New Cholesterol-Lowering Drug
1908. FDA: Cancer Warnings Required for TNF Blockers
1907. More Diseases Tracked by Using Google Trends | CDC...
1906. Extreme Drug Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii...
1905. Human-to-Dog Transmission of Methicillin-Resistant...
1904. Campylobacter jejuni HS:23 and Guillain-Barré Synd...
1903. Death after S. pyogenes Infection | CDC EID
1902. Show #89, August 2009: Neuropsychiatric Events wit...
1901. Show #89, August 2009: Liver Failure with Propylth...
1900. EPARs human use - Posaconazole SP//Posaconazole
1899. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Marketi...
1898. MALARIA: Identificada la fuente original de la mal...
1897. OSELTAMIVIR: resistencia - U.S.A./México
1896. Information for Healthcare Professionals: Onabotul...
1895. Update of Safety Review of OnabotulinumtoxinA (mar...
1894. FDA, European Medicines Agency Launch Good Clinica...
1893. Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disord...
1892. CDC H1N1 Flu | Interim Guidance for the Detection ...
1891. CDC H1N1 Flu | Preparing for Vaccination with Nove...
1890. Botox and Botox Cosmetic (Botulinum toxin Type A) ...
1889. EPARs human use - Isentress//raltegravir
1888. EPARs human use - Tasigna//nilotinib
1887. EPARs human use - Stocrin//Efavirenz
1886. EPARs human use - RotaTeq//rotavirus vaccine, live...
1885. EPARs human use - Macugen//Pegaptanib sodium
1884. EPARs human use - Thelin//sitaxentan sodium
1883. EPARs human use - Viread//Tenofovir disoproxil
1882. NCTR Research Highlights
1881. Vibrio vulnificus Infections | CDC EID
1880. Legionella pneumophila in Rainwater on Roads | CDC...
1879. Shiga Toxin–producing E. coli | CDC EID
1878. Investigating Outbreaks of Cyclosporiasis | CDC EI...
1877. Invasive Aspergillosis and A. viridinutans | CDC E...
1876. CÁNCER DE PÁNCREAS y grupo sanguíneo
1875. Clinical and Epidemiologic Characteristics of 3 Ea...
1874. Tratamiento del sangrado uterino disfuncional refr...
1873. CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | Facts and Figures
1872. CDC H1N1 Flu | International Situation Update
1871. CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel H1N1 U.S. Situation Update
1870. CDC - Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
1868. Peste neumónica - ISID/CHINA
1867. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID/ARGENTINA: decesos
1866. Potential Malaria Reemergence, Northeastern Thaila...
1865. Enzootic Sparganosis in Guangdong, People's Republ...
1864. Lobomycosis in Venezuela | CDC EID
1863. Investigating Outbreaks of Cyclosporiasis | CDC EI...
1862. Acanthamoeba Keratitis and Contact Lens Solution, ...
1861. BSE and Scrapie in Porcine-PrP Transgenic Mice | C...
1860. Vol. 15, No. 8 Cover: For the world does not yet c...
1859. Pigs as Source for Toxigenic Corynebacterium ulcer...
1858. Streptococcal Disease in the Elderly | CDC EID
1857. Pneumococcus Macrolide Resistance, United States |...
1856. Serologic Assays for Influenza Virus A (H5N1) | CD...
1855. Chikungunya, Singapore | CDC EID
1854. Recurrent Nipah Virus, Bangladesh | CDC EID
1853. Hepatitis B Virus in Haiti and Africa | CDC EID
1852. Serologic Evidence of WU and KI Polyomaviruses | C...
1851. Molecular Epidemiology of Rabies, Southern China |...
1850. Dengue-1 Virus, French Polynesia, 2001 | CDC EID
1849. Influenza Surveillance Worldwide | CDC EID
1848. Human Rabies and Rabies in Bats, Peru | CDC EID
1847. WNV in Puerto Rico, 2007 | CDC EID
1846. Avian Influenza Detected through Routine Surveilla...
1845. Human Rhinovirus Group C in Hospitalized Children,...
1844. Nondominant Hemisphere Encephalitis in Patient wit...
1843. KI and WU Polyomaviruses in Patients Infected with...
1842. Past, Present, and Future of Japanese Encephalitis...
1841. Avian Influenza | CDC EID
1840. International Health Regulations and Influenza A |...
1839. Fatal Borreliosis in Bat Caused by Relapsing Fever...
1838. Tick-Borne Rickettsiosis in Traveler Returning fro...
1837. Status of State Electronic Disease Surveillance Sy...
1836. Fatalities Caused by Cattle --- Four States, 2003-...
1835. Laboratory-Acquired Vaccinia Virus Infection --- V...
1834. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with ...
1833. Vaccines: ACIP/main page
1832. Vaccines: Pubs/ACIP Recommendations
1831. Vaccines: IIS/Stds/CVX-Vaccines Administered
1830. Vaccines: IIS/Stds/CPT Codes Mapped to CVX Codes
1829. CDC H1N1 Flu | Novel H1N1 Vaccination Recommendati...
1828. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / FRANCIA
1827. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / CUBA
1826. H1N1 - gripe porcina - ISID / ARGENTINA: desconoce...
1825. CDC Newsroom Press Release July 29, 2009
1824. EPARs human use - Naglazyme//Galsulfase
1823. EPARs human use - Isentress//raltegravir
1822. EPARs human use - Vasovist//Gadofosveset trisodium...
1821. EPARs human use - Puregon//follitropin beta
1820. EPARs human use - Pergoveris//follitropin alfa / l...
1819. European Medicines Agency - Human Medicines - CHMP...
1818. European Medicines Agency - Withdrawals of Applica...
1817. Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2009-2010 Season
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