EPARs for authorised medicinal products for human use - Luminity
FICHA FARMACOLÓGICA de Perflutren. Contiene la Monografía en distintos idiomas (de la Comunidad Económica Europea), así como la discusión científica que sustenta su aprobación terapéutica. Para acceder a la monografía en idioma español, hacer doble clik en la sigla (es) en la fila que se sitúa más abajo del centro de la página oficial. Cerasale. Febrero 2009.
Active Substance
International Nonproprietary Name or Common Name
Pharmaco-therapeutic Group
Ultrasound contrast media, microspheres of phospholipids
ATC Code
Therapeutic Indication
This medicinal product is for diagnostic use only.
Luminity is an ultrasound contrast-enhancing agent for use in patients in whom non-contrast echocardiography was suboptimal (suboptimal is considered to indicate that at least two of six segments in the 4- or 2-chamber view of the ventricular border were not evaluable) and who have suspected or established coronary artery disease, to provide opacification of cardiac chambers and improvement of left ventricular endocardial border delineation at both rest and stress.
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