domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Parenting and Homelessness: Overview and Introduction to the Special Section

Parenting and Homelessness: Overview and Introduction to the Special Section - FREE Access
Author(s): Paquette, Kristen | Bassuk, Ellen L.
ort_79_3_292.pdf (164,1kB)

This overview of parenting and homelessness includes the characteristics and needs of families who are homeless, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by mothers, fathers, and children. In addition, the authors discuss how home less families are narrowly defined based on the family members who present at shelters and other service programs. In order to fully support parents and their children as they exit homelessness, homeless service programs should consider the broader context of the nontraditional family system and support networks. The overview also includes common challenges to parenting while homeless, a summary of the articles in the Special Section, and recommendations for research, practice, and policy. (authors)

abrir aquí para acceder al documento SAMHSA full-text:
Homelessness Resource Center - Resource Parenting and Homelessness: Overview and Introduction to the Special Section - FREE Access

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