jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

CDC H1N1 Flu | Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Testing During the 2009-2010 Influenza Season

Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Testing During the 2009-2010 Influenza Season
September 29, 2009, 6:00 PM ET

For Health Care Providers
What does CDC recommend this season regarding testing for influenza?

This season CDC recommends that influenza diagnostic testing be prioritized for 1) hospitalized patients with suspected influenza; 2) patients for whom a diagnosis of influenza will inform decisions regarding clinical care, infection control, or management of close contacts; and 3) patients who died of an acute illness in which influenza was suspected. Most patients with a clinical illness consistent with uncomplicated influenza who reside in an area where influenza viruses are circulating do not require diagnostic influenza testing for clinical management. Clinical judgment is another important factor in making decisions regarding testing. For more information, see Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Testing During the 2009-2010 Influenza Season.

What is the reason for these recommendations?
The purpose of the Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Testing During the 2009-2010 Influenza Season is to assist clinicians with influenza diagnostic testing decisions – including testing for 2009 H1N1 influenza (previously referred to as novel influenza A (H1N1)) and seasonal influenza – for the 2009-2010 influenza season.

Does CDC recommend diagnostic testing for patients with uncomplicated illness from suspected influenza infection?
Most patients with a clinical illness consistent with uncomplicated influenza who reside in an area where influenza viruses are known to be circulating do not require diagnostic influenza testing for clinical management. In certain situations, influenza diagnostic tests may provide additional information that is useful for clinical care decisions (see question: “In what situations are influenza diagnostic tests useful for clinical care decisions”). Clinicians should use their judgment in addition to these recommendations to decide whether to test for influenza in patients with uncomplicated illness.

Should hospitalized patients with suspected influenza infection receive diagnostic testing?
Yes. Hospitalized patients with suspected influenza should be tested with an available influenza diagnostic test. However, appropriate antiviral treatment and infection control measures should not be delayed pending diagnostic testing results. If influenza infection is clinically suspected, early empiric antiviral therapy should be initiated in hospitalized patients because antiviral medications are most effective when administered as early as possible.

In what situations are influenza diagnostic tests useful for patients who are not severely ill?
Influenza diagnostic testing of patients who are not severely ill may help inform decisions regarding clinical care, infection control, or management of close contacts in certain situations. Clinicians should use their judgment to decide when to test for influenza in patients who are not severely ill. In addition, specifically testing for 2009 H1N1 influenza by rRT-PCR may be important for patients with certain conditions, such as pregnancy or severe immunosuppression, to improve their clinical care. However, if flu is suspected in these or other high risk patients, treatment should still be initiated while awaiting test results and should not be delayed since antiviral medications are most beneficial when started within the first 2 days of illness.

abrir aquí para acceder al documento CDC completo:
CDC H1N1 Flu | Interim Recommendations for Clinical Use of Influenza Diagnostic Testing During the 2009-2010 Influenza Season

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